Benefits of replacing taps
Replacing an old tap with new taps is fairly inexpensive and has a huge effect on the room. Aged and faulty
tapsets often really undermine the value of a property. There is a huge range of taps and we can help you
find one that matches the style of your room.
Installing a tap in a new location
Putting a new tap in a location that doesnt yet have a water supply or converting a tap and spout to a mixer
tap have much more circumstantial pricing, for this we would recomend using our photo quote or getting a
free on site visit so that we can confirm whats involved and a price with you before commencement.
Wall Tapset Install & Swapover
A standard Wall Top Tap assembly (Tap coming out of the wall not the table) can only have to tapsets
replaced, as replacing the breach and valves would usually require opening up the wall and this would cause
damage to the tiles and be quite costly.
Shower Tapset Installation & Swapover
Replacing a shower tapset like for like should only take an hour. We always carry a good quality tapset with
7 years warranty on our vehicles.
Shower Mixer Installation & Swapover
Replacing a shower mixer is more complicated than a tapset and a like for like swapover. In most cases this
will also require some tiling work be completed as well. This work would need to be quoted.
Showerhead Installation & Swapover
Swapping a standard showerhead will take less than an hour. If you have an existing shower rail system and
are looking to buy a new one, take note of the location of the brackets on the tiles as you want to have the
new ones line up with this to avoid retiling. Otherwise you will be left leaving exposed holes in the tiles
from the old setup. Be wary as some shower heads will require moving the water supply in the wall, This will
cost extra and require tiling works.
Shower Upgrade
Changing style or configuration of your shower is quite common, swapping a showerhead to a handle with hose
style is very popular.
New Shower or Tapset Conversion
If you are installing a brand new shower with no existing drainage or water supply or converting a bath or
bath/shower combo into a shower we would recommend a free on site quote or photoquote for a discussion and
price for what you will require.